Resolution Focus is Resolution magazine's additional digital-specific offering optimised for device viewing. It adds depth with interactive links to external resources, including podcasts and embedding videos directly onto editorial pages or advertisements.
Resolution Focus is limited in pagination to match digital magazines' typical attention spans, but this would drive content exclusivity as each issue could be fully sponsored. While its primary purpose is to attract new readers, it serves as a way to protect its subscription-based premium print and digital product but also offers an additional unique digital angle for its long-standing advertisers.
Importantly, it also aids to boost brand awareness across social media, it increases opportunities for resharing of product mentions, and its content reaches the radar of search engines. Another plus is that editorial and production costs are kept to a minimum because it is straightforward to repurpose.
The majority of Resolution readers believe it is editorially independent, and it helps them with their job and their buying decisions. With readers conclusively preferring Resolution to the other audio magazines is a strong endorsement from the people who matter, and it's why the publication remains a unique marketing vehicle — it is trusted, read and kept.
We've always been proud to be associated with this well-respected magazine.