Production Accuracy

Take pride in making your magazine perfect!

It seems an obvious statement but once a magazine has gone to print and then out for distribution, it’s too late to find an error or make a change. Production accuracy is something that shouldn’t be overlooked.

We have a strong sense of professional pride in producing each and every magazine to the highest standards. We can see errors with our experienced eyes that might pass the gaze of the uninitiated. And we can often see more glaring errors that come from choice, and so we can also advise you about what makes a great design.

Accurate design and print

Many hours are spent producing your pages to build your magazine title. We worry about many aspects including the size of the elements, the position, the size of a font, the depth of the black used on the page… Ultimately, it is up to us that when the design is finished, it looks great and passes any inspection. However, this design accuracy is also key to a successful print run. Printers need to receive the designs to the correct technical standards and with the right degree of detail. Each printer may have their own exacting requirements, so we also use our experience to pass the design across to them in the correct way. Using quality editorial and images assists us greatly to best broadcast your content ultimately leading to a professional product. This focus on accuracy, attention to detail and experience of the process is part of our service to you.

Editorial and proofing

If a great design will make someone pick up (and purchase) your magazine, then it is the content that really creates its value. If you have a well thought out idea for a magazine, you will have already considered the topics and audience. The next step is to research, source and write the words to tell a story or inform the reader. So a well-written article, with good structure and no errors, forms the means of engaging the reader. This focus on quality text with minimal errors is a key stage prior to the production process.

Editorial and proofing services are optional extras for our clients, many of whom have already prepared and checked the text before they supply it to us. Clearly, we can’t write about something that we may not understand. However, we do offer services that will review text for structure and accuracy, meaning that your words are polished before they are crafted throughout the pages.

We are always very happy to talk to potential clients and advise them of how to approach their project, and how we can help with production accuracy. Our free consultation is a great way to get that conversation started!

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